My Ride Around the Top Paddock…

My Ride Around the Top Paddock…

Background / Prep There have been other posts about this ride, the thinking behind it and the job of getting the ride approved by the IBA. – I’ll not cover that same ground again here, this is intended to be a ride report and to go a little into the...
Getting setup with SpotWalla for the NZDR North Island events (2020)

Getting setup with SpotWalla for the NZDR North Island events (2020)

Firstly, it should be pointed out that this is not compulsory in any way. This is entirely optional, but also strongly requested for the NI1600 riders. What are we talking about? SpotWalla is a location tracking and sharing service for individuals. It is widely used...
Autumnal SaddleSore 1600K and NI1600 (Double Badger) ride – 20 Mar 2020

Autumnal SaddleSore 1600K and NI1600 (Double Badger) ride – 20 Mar 2020

Planning Our Ride We hatched a plan back in October 2019, to use the opportunity created by the NI1600’s double badger ride, to do another IBA certified ride. Stella and I have been making good progress through the IBA four season’s certificates and knew...