New Zealand Rides – IBA Ride Verification – Application Form.

For applications lodged after 1st May, 2022 new options and prices (below) will apply.

If you have completed an IBA Ride in New Zealand, you are welcome to send your ride application through to the New Zealand and Australian IBA verification email address here: [email protected]

Please follow the following steps (IN DETAIL), and it will help to get this through first time with minimal back and forth..
  1. Click on this link to open your email client and pre-fill the body content of the email for you.
    • Change the subject of the email to include **your own details**.
    • If that link doesn’t open your mail client and fill in an email body for you, then visit this page and copy the content from it…
  2. Chose which verification package you want to buy (for a ride other than a SaddleSore, please visit the IBA website to determine the cost of the application):
      Retail: US$ 40.00
      SaddleSore 1600K verification and PDF certificate
    • SADDLESORE 1600K Printed and posted CERTIFICATION ONLY
      VERIFICATION WITH Printed and posted CERTIFICATE ONLY (NO IBA products)
      Retail: US$ 45.00
      SaddleSore 1600K verification and printed certificate
      SaddleSore 1600K verification and printed certificate
      +SaddleSore 1600K PATCH and IBA Plate back

      Retail: US$ 54.00
      SaddleSore 1600K verification and printed certificate
      +SaddleSore 1600K PATCH and IBA Plate back
      +SaddleSore 1600K PIN
      Retail: US$ 61.25
      If you want to see what this merchandise looks like, then check out the selection at the bottom of this page.
  3. Having chosen, note your charges and go to paypal and make the relevant payment (see below)
    • Save your receipt information (as a PDF of the payment page if possible)  – Attach your Paypal receipt to the email.
  4. Complete all of the requested details in the email.
  5. Send the email (it should be automatically addressed for you), IBA Premier Certification <[email protected]>.
Making a paypal payment to the IBA.
This is pretty straight forward, but we assume you have a credit card, and are happy to use PayPal to make internet based payments. If so, great…
  1. Open
  2. Login using an existing account, or create a new account if needed.
  3. Click “Send and Request”.
  4. Choose “Send money to friends and family”.
  5. Send the calculated payment to: [email protected]
  6. To download your receipt, click on “Activity”.
  7. Find your IBA payment and click on the transaction line.
  8. Print Receipt. … – But, in the print dialogue boxes, opt to save it to a PDF file instead.
  9. Find your PDF receipt file, from wherever you saved it to on your computer, and add it to the email. 🙂
How to print to PDF?  – If the PDF part gets too hard, then just copy and paste the transaction reference and full receipt details into the end of the email which you’re sending…

IBA Merchandise:

IBA Plate Back:

SaddleSore 1600K Patch:

If you’re going with the Full Package or Full Monty, you’ll have to pick one of these, if you don’t pick one, you’ll get the Blue Oval one by default.

  • SS1600K-Oval-Patch

SaddleSore 1600K Pin:

If you have chosen the FULL MONTY package then you’ll get a SS1600K pin too…

  • SS1600K Pin

Any further questions?
If you have any further questions, either email us at [email protected], or you can give me a call on my cellphone (Chris +64 21624717).
IBA Logo has been used with permission.