by Chris Wiltshire | Aug 5, 2018 | Uncategorised
I’ve been waiting almost two months for this package to arrive from an AliExpress vendor. They turned up this weekend. These LED bulbs are apparently 4000 lumen bulbs EACH and together draw 75W for the pair. You get heaps more light for your current draw off LED...
by Chris Wiltshire | Aug 18, 2017 | Uncategorised
For 3d Printing Nerds. – This is how you might manually edit your GCode to add in a pause at a specific layer – very useful if you want to manually change filament at a specific height within a print (for multi-colour prints when using a single extruder)....
by Chris Wiltshire | Aug 10, 2017 | Uncategorised
Original Post Date: 19-Sep-02 13:01 Danish Bastard….. The unofficial rules, placed here so we can remember them… Object of the game: i) to rid yourself of all of your cards before any of your opponents ii) NOT to be the last person with any...
by Chris Wiltshire | Apr 18, 2017 | Uncategorised
Well, that’s plans for this weekend sorted then. 🙂 – Stella and I are booked in on a Gold Level – Ride Forever course, a motorcycle training course. These are heavily subsidised by ACC (funded from the extortionate motorcycle registration charges...