Sample GCode to add in a pause…

For 3d Printing Nerds. – This is how you might manually edit your GCode to add in a pause at a specific layer – very useful if you want to manually change filament at a specific height within a print (for multi-colour prints when using a single extruder)....

Danish Bastard – the card game

Original Post Date: 19-Sep-02 13:01 Danish Bastard….. The unofficial rules, placed here so we can remember them… Object of the game:  i) to rid yourself of all of your cards before any of your opponents  ii) NOT to be the last person with any...
Continuous learning… Ride-Forever course

Continuous learning… Ride-Forever course

Well, that’s plans for this weekend sorted then. 🙂 – Stella and I are booked in on a Gold Level – Ride Forever course, a motorcycle training course. These are heavily subsidised by ACC (funded from the extortionate motorcycle registration charges...