I’m sure I’m not alone right now in feeling a little lost and aimless…?
Given the COVID-19 stuff which is going on and the associated inability to lay down any solid plans right now, it feels hard to have anything in the pipeline to look forward to, to enjoy planning towards…
I’m a habitual planner. I always like to have something on the go, something in the works. Right now, it feels like I don’t or can’t. Even our next long distance ride, which is planned for 8 weeks away seems somewhat in the air to me right now.
Given what’s going on in Melbourne, as they return to a ‘level-4’ lock-down for 6 weeks, you wonder how they were feeling 8 weeks ago, did any of them expect that, or know it was coming? Their blunders in inbound international traveller’s quarantine management could be easily repeated here.
We’re all hopeful that it won’t happen to us, but with that comes a massive degree of complacency, we’ve had around 10 people make deliberate (read malicious) efforts to escape their quarantine obligations and facilities, include into that the initial bungle of letting two COVID-19 positive sisters out of quarantine (with permission but without testing), and honestly, how secure and well managed is our situation right now?
How secure can any of our plans be? – Would you put any non-trivial amount of non-refundable money down on anything more than 3-4 weeks away right now?
So, yeah. I’m feeling kind of lost and aimless and in search of something to look forward to. It doesn’t need to be big or extravegant – perhaps I need to start a new development project of some sort? A new electronics project? A new bike project? – Maybe some home renovations…?
Don’t get me wrong: I’m grateful for the situation we’re in here and I know that these are very much first world problems…