If you completed the NI1600 at the actual event, and completed their on-the-day ride checking / scrutiny, you can access fast-tracked ride approval for a verified IBA SaddleSore 1600K ride certificate.
The IBA have bulk-pre-approved all finishers of the NZ NI1600 (2020) for SS1600K certification. They are providing this pre-approval based on the event organiser’s processes and checks, these applications should take a considerably shorter time than a normal first-time application (which is commonly ~3 months). We are aiming for these certificates to be processed in one batch, in about a week, and sent out to you then we have all of the packs worth of bits here in NZ already, so they’ll be a lot quicker this time than previous years.
The process has been streamlined for all NI1600 finishers, it should be simple and quick.
Your certificate is a customised certificate (it’s pretty rare for the IBA to do this) – it will carry the NI1600 route map on the face of it (our spot track), but your own personal details, including your bike etc. – Below is a sample of my certificate from this ride from 2018, this year’s map will be updated once the route is known for 2020:
- Click on this link to open your email client and pre-fill the body content of the email for you.
- Change the subject of the email to include **your own details**.
- If that link doesn’t open your mail client and fill in an email body for you, then visit this page and copy the content from it…
- Change the subject of the email to include **your own details**.
- Chose which verification package you want to buy:
Retail: US$ 40.00
SaddleSore 1600K verification and certificate
SaddleSore 1600K verification and certificate
+SaddleSore 1600K PATCH and IBA Plate back
Retail: US$ 49.00 - SADDLESORE 1600K FULL-MONTY
SaddleSore 1600K verification and certificate
+SaddleSore 1600K PATCH and IBA Plate back
+SaddleSore 1600K PIN
Retail: US$ 56.25
If you want to see what this merchandise looks like, then check out the selection at the bottom of this page.
- Having chosen, note your charges and go to paypal and make the relevant payment (see below)
- Save your receipt information (as a PDF of the payment page if possible) – Attach your Paypal receipt to the email.
- Complete all of the requested details in the email.
- Send the email (it should be automatically addressed for you), IBA Premier Certification <support@ibapremier.zohodesk.com>.
- Open Paypal.com
- Login using an existing account, or create a new account if needed.
- Click “Send and Request”.
- Choose “Send money to friends and family”.
- Send the calculated payment to: paypal@ironbutt.com
- To download your receipt, click on “Activity”.
- Find your IBA payment and click on the transaction line.
- Print Receipt. … – But, in the print dialogue boxes, opt to save it to a PDF file instead.
- Find your PDF receipt file, from wherever you saved it to on your computer, and add it to the email. 🙂
IBA Merchandise:
IBA Plate Back:
SaddleSore 1600K Patch:
If you’re going with the Full Package or Full Monty, you’ll have to pick one of these, if you don’t pick one, you’ll get the Blue Oval one by default.
- SS1600K-Oval-Patch
SaddleSore 1600K Pin:
If you have chosen the FULL MONTY package then you’ll get a SS1600K pin too…
- SS1600K Pin
Our 2020 route. 🙂